Sisu (2022) is a Finnish action film directed by Jalmari Helander. Set during the final days of World War II, the film follows Aatami Korpi, a former soldier who discovers a vast gold deposit while prospecting in the Lapland wilderness.
When he attempts to bring his findings to the authorities, he encounters a group of Nazi soldiers led by a brutal SS officer, who are determined to steal the gold for themselves.
The film combines elements of historical drama with intense, action-packed sequences as Korpi, who is a skilled and relentless fighter, battles against the Nazis in a bloody fight for survival and justice. The title “Sisu” refers to a Finnish concept of grit and determination in the face of adversity.
“Sisu” is praised for its gripping story, strong performances, and its unique blend of historical context with high-octane action. The film offers a thrilling and intense viewing experience while showcasing the resilience and strength of its protagonist.