Rogue Warfare (2019)

“Rogue Warfare” is a 2019 action film directed by Mike Gunther. The film stars Will Yun Lee, Jermaine Love, Rory Markham, and Bertrand-Xavier Corbiere. It is the first installment in the “Rogue Warfare” trilogy, focusing on elite soldiers from different nations coming together to combat a common enemy.

The story revolves around a covert task force composed of highly skilled soldiers from the United States, China, Russia, the United Kingdom, and France. This multinational team is assembled to undertake a critical and dangerous mission: to track down and eliminate a terrorist organization known as the Black Mask Organization. This group poses a significant global threat with their plans to unleash catastrophic attacks.

Led by Sergeant Daniel (Will Yun Lee), the team includes soldiers with diverse backgrounds and specialties, each bringing unique skills to the mission. As they infiltrate enemy territories and engage in intense combat, they face numerous challenges, including ambushes, traps, and the harsh realities of warfare. The team’s determination, camaraderie, and expertise are put to the test as they race against time to prevent the terrorists from executing their deadly plans.

“Rogue Warfare” is characterized by its high-octane action sequences, tactical combat scenarios, and the theme of international cooperation in the face of a common threat.

The film emphasizes the bravery and resilience of the soldiers, highlighting their willingness to put their lives on the line to protect global security. With its intense battles and fast-paced narrative, “Rogue Warfare” offers an engaging and thrilling experience for fans of military action films.

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